Our year 6 students have been working hard learning the Jump Jam dances. They were great role models and teachers sharing their moves with the junior school. Thank you Room 5.
We use Mathletics to support our Maths lessons in class. We can practice skills learnt and also Mr A can help us with "just in time" learning, this is when we need it most just at the right time.
We used our inquiry on New Zealand Native Animals to give us
ideas for a board game. We looked at games we had at home and designed our game
with cards, instructions, counters, objects and a board. We worked really hard
on our games and used the computers to help us. It was awesome playing the
game, picking up cards and trying to get to the finish.
We had a look at the work of Andy Goldsworthy. He uses only found natural things to make amazing artwork. We collected fallen leaves in beautiful autumn shades to make a feature. It didn't last long but we took pictures in our minds.
Playing Shazaam is awesome because we get to play in a group. We have to choose a Knight, Giant or a Wizard. We are learning to work as a team. We had to huddle up and whisper so the other team did not hear.
Drop Everything And Read - our whole school does every day. We are able to read really well now and our reading is much more about learning comprehension strategies (understanding) rather than decoding (what the words say). Home readers should be read through by students twice over 2 or 3 nights and a quick quiz after Is a great way of checking understanding. Please make use of our great library too, reading for enjoyment.
"Mathletics is lots of fun and I learned about length." said Lily.
"Mathletics will change your Maths and make it quicker." said Ava.
"I have learned about doubles on live Marhletics" said Blossom.
Last week Room 13 played rugby.we were practising our passing and kicking.
"Watch out the All Blacks because future All Blacks coming your way!" said Amie.
"Rugby is a fun sport." said Ollie
All of us are All Blacks fans and Caylen loves to talk about them.
We have been finding out about New Zealand Sign Language. Katie knows some and showed us how to say, "My name is ...." we looked up how to finger spell our names.